by B.Lainof | Jan 9, 2016
I am still swirling in that amazing clearing. I have been working through energy taps for months. Your words of “you owe me”, really struck strongly, to some unspoken attitude that hasn’t felt good. I have tried many present day clearings but haven’t been able to get...
by B.Lainof | Jan 9, 2016
Had the pleasure of participating in a Skype group call last week with Brenda Lainof and the subject of our focus was on Abundance. I was very impressed with how Brenda guided this process leaving space for it to be fairly open ended yet zeroing in very quickly on the...
by B.Lainof | Jan 9, 2016
I saw my urologist yesterday, says that the stones are not clearly there and I’m in no danger. I’m feeling like I have passed one but I think the work we did contributed to my kidney health. So thank you Brenda. Carol S.
by B.Lainof | Jan 9, 2016
I wanted to say, yesterday I have a case manager for my mental health and yesterday I went to see her for my annual evaluation and goal-setting. She said, “do you still feel worthless, guilty, tired and depressed 7 days per week?” And I have to say, it was...
by B.Lainof | Jul 31, 2015
The Hormone Reset Diet, Installing New Belief System, Dowsing
by B.Lainof | Jun 15, 2015
Thanks so much! I feel SO much better. I leaned over and touched the floor for the first time in a month! (and, got up again 🙂 I sat and stood in rehearsal without any yelping! Still a dull ache, but so much movement has regained and so so much less pain! So...
by B.Lainof | Jun 15, 2015
“I’ve had stiffness and problems in my lumbar area for decades and in one session I felt the release of the blockage immediately. Later my whole pelvic area was able to shift more and allowed a new healing energy to flow in and around the area. Thank you very...
by B.Lainof | Feb 21, 2015
I would definitely recommend Brenda Lainof as she has worked with me and has been able to release a lot of stress and pain from my life. She is very personable and non-judgmental. I found it to be a very relaxing and intuitive experience like I have never had before!!...
by B.Lainof | Feb 21, 2015
I would highly recommend Brenda as an energy healer. For many years I have been unable to eat yeast products or cheese and after receiving treatments from Brenda, I am now able to eat bread and cheese whenever I want. I also have received benefits from her Amega Wand:...
by B.Lainof | Feb 21, 2015
I have had Brenda work with/on me for several issues, both physical and emotional, in the past few years. To be honest with you, I’m not sure what she does or how she does it but all I know is that the most recent time she worked on me, the result was...
by B.Lainof | Feb 21, 2015
My family rescued a dog who had been badly mistreated from puppy hood. She had faced physical, emotional and mental trauma. We were progressing nicely in her recovery when she was exposed to the load noises and lights of fireworks. I contacted Brenda because she had...
by B.Lainof | Feb 21, 2015
My biggest concern was that I had blocked off ways of attracting wealth and abundance into my life, through my love of property. Now less than 2 months later I am attracting to myself like minded people from across the globe who love property and want to work with me...