Mystic Mag Interview

Mystic Mag Interview

Brenda Lainof was interviewed on Mystic Magazine. Discussing light language, muscle testing, chakra scans, and how this healing work can reduce pain, stress, depression, anxiety and also remove negative emotions and blocks that hold people back in their business.

Decluttering Less is More?

Decluttering Less is More?

How many of have heard the saying “Less is More”.  The whole process of downsizing and decluttering is a PROCESS.  Not only physical decluttering but decluttering of the MIND. I know for myself this last month, it has caused panic on many...

Brenda’s Intimate Healing Story with Bell’s Palsy

My Intimate Story with Bell’s Palsy Monday morning on April 11th, I woke up to a strange sensation on my face. I knew that something was drastically wrong and I was very hesitant to look into the mirror. The right side of my face had literally...

Healing with the Healer

Everyone benefits from releasing trapped emotions. However, sometimes as an Intuitive Practitioner, we neglect ourselves as we are so busy assisting others as to their self- healing. Today, I reached out for assistance as to my own health issue (which I rarely do!). After releasing a pre-conception, inherited trapped emotions, trapped emotions – my swelling immediately had started to decrease in my fingers, knuckles and some tingling (in a good way) occurring. It is an exciting new chapter of self-healing and I am more optimistic than ever. I have such gratitude for the work of The Emotion Code and Body Code as taught by Dr. Bradley Nelson.

Hormone Reset Diet Update

Off of meat now (feel lighter) Off of sugar (has been challenging) Off of fruit (I miss my local cherries!) and now Off of coffee – one big Yikes!!!

I have not weighed or measured myself, will give this another week. As usual, interesting comments from two of the ladies in the group

My Journey with the Hormone Reset Diet

I am hosting and also participating in “The Hormone Reset Diet” by Sara Gottfried, M.D.    So I have gathered a group of ladies where we meet every 3 days and accountability is the key to keep one another on track! And I am taking this journey to help myself feel...

Earth Angels and My Dog Jet

Driving into our yard, after a wonderful healing session from a fellow practitioner, I was alarmed to see my husband, Barry, standing beside his vehicle, hands on face with a wretching look of despair.  I knew something terrible had occurred.  In trepretation, I...