r What can you tell me about your professional background?
I am an intuitive guide and I'm helping clients with negative emotions and removing
blocks in relation to their business. I also assist in healing many chronic
health conditions, such as pain, stress, depression, anxiety, etc. I have a background
of 30 years in the corporate world, so I understand business, too. I love to help
people break through blocks that may be in the way of moving ahead to the next
level with their business.
I’m combining the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, psychic, and spiritual
levels and bringing them together. I download information, and most of the time
now I’m downloading light language.
What is Light Language?
Light language is a form of communication and it bypasses human limitations when
it comes to the meaning of words. There is no fixed alphabet. It’s a vibrational
expression that speaks directly to our soul.
I was guided to light language about 12 years ago when my elderly dog was
faltering. The property that we lived on was backing onto indigenous land in
Canada. There is a lot of high vibrational energy. All of a sudden, these sounds came
out of my mouth and I couldn’t recognize them. However, I knew I was
downloading information; I was downloading at a soul level. It wasn’t until a few
years later when I was in Sedona, Arizona, that I found out that that was actual light
Since then, I have been adding light language to my pathogenic work, past life
experiences that could be related to a client’s health issue, etc. I’m adding it on a
daily basis into my work, and I can feel the energy coming in. I even feel it now in
my head, just talking about it. Most people can speak light language, but you need to be open to it. Sometimes you need to have a life-altering experience in order to say “I don’t know what that is, but something happened”.
In my case, I had two near-death experiences in 2019 and one in 2009. In 2019, I
didn't know if I was going to live to the next surgery and I was very scared. I
remember taking my little microphone and these sounds just came out. I really felt
intuitively that it was my mother who had crossed over. These erratic sounds came
in and just came out of my mouth. I was so calm afterward. It was channeling from
my mother, but the sounds came out of my mount.
Many people say they connect with an archangel or a guide, etc. I don't think about
it, I just naturally allow the sounds to come through. I do believe that by living
where I did in Canada, I’ve been very connected to the indigenous, so I find that a
lot of the sounds that I emit are native sounds. I have been told that by many
One of the major things that I like to do and that I was trained in is pathogenics.
When I was training pathogenics, I thought “Well, I’m going to add my light
language to it”, so it created Pathogenic Light Language.
I’m intuiting by muscle testing a particular pathogen, like bacteria or a virus, such
as the flu, some heavy metals, etc. I channel, the light language comes in, and we
start working through a process, combined with my dousing, to allow the energy to
I work with many healing practitioners – Body Code practitioners, Reiki
practitioners, and many others. I have testimonials of how that language and what
I’m intuiting has helped them in many different areas. What I have found, which is
also another layer, is that there can be entities attached to the pathogen. Maybe
there's a dark entity you have no idea about. For that reason, I’m adding another
step which is looking at what entity is coming through attached to this virus that
could be sitting in your energy field. For example, I’m clearing the entity, and
many times when you clear the entity that can help the pathogen dissipate. There
are many levels to it. It is opening up, channeling, and because I have worked with
so many modalities of disease over the last 25 years, I just open up to what that
person requires and they let me know what they are dealing with. Then I just open
up to what that is.
I may do a card reading, like a past life card reading, for example, or it could be
really anything. Whatever it is required, I just allow spirit to come, work through
me, and work with that person. It could be a pathogen; It could be a virus, or
something blocking them from moving ahead in their business and they
may think, “Oh, it’s because of this” and it has nothing to do with it. Again, there are
many levels and when a person works with me, I ask what their major concern is
and then they let me know. I prepare ahead of time, we meet on Zoom, and then I
go to all my various methods to see what information is coming through. Then I
start a process.
In my individual sessions, I gift their own light language audio, so you book a
session with me and then I get my little recorder. If you’re, for example, having
some stomach issues, I download the information. The light language is opening up
concerning the stomach issues and the person has their very own individualized
audio that they can go back to and listen to because there can be layers involved.
They may need to listen several times to get the results. For that reason, I’ve created my own method of doing things. I have worked on such things as radiation
from an X-ray in the hospital because a person broke their humorous bone. I
downloaded Light Language and, after that, they're testing zero – it's gone! The
radiation energy has depleted.
I worked on many different pathogens. For example, I worked on Staphylococcus
aureus and a person had had it for 6 years. She’s also a practitioner and what she
said to me is that she could feel tingling and coolness in her hands, and she could
definitely feel the difference. She was very grateful that I actually determined,
through my pathogen work, that it was a type of staff of Staphylococcus aureus.
Depending on what comes up, it can be pathogens, past lives, or there can be
different entities, and it can be all related. I can’t just decide to work on one thing.
You may be sharing energy with another person in relation to the bacteria. There
can be a past life related to it or another entity that is blocking you from getting
better that you had no idea about, related to this particular pathogen. It's
multifaceted and everyone receives a Zoom replay, their very own audio that they
can listen to over and over again.
What healing services do you offer?
I offer a variety of healing services, including pathogenic light language I talked
about earlier. I'm also a certified Body Code and certified Emotion Code
practitioner with 20 years of experience. I'm a medical intuitive and do chakra
scans. I look at your chakras, I do a download, and I can see that there is some
energy in your soul, reflecting different feelings, like intimidation, for example. I let
people know what is blocking them from moving ahead. That's a particular thing
that they can find on my website. On it, I also have a 21-Day Light Language for An
Abundant Business Program. By listening to these audios, one a day for 21 days,
every time you listen, you can get stronger. You do a test and say “Oh, I’m only 2
out of 10”, but after a particular audio, you can feel as strong as a 10. It’s a process,
and the program is on my website. People can purchase it for a reasonable price,
and it also comes with a workbook, with which you can just work your way through
the program.
Can you walk me through one of your 1:1 sessions?
Depending on what type of service you’re booking, I’ll send you a link to meet on
Zoom. Once I receive your info, I prepare ahead of time.
For example, let’s say you come to me and say “Brenda, I have pain in my back”. I
then get ready for the session. On the form, I type that info into it, and when we
meet in a one-to-one session, I check how long have you had it, what was going on
when you noticed you had pain in your back, and other details of that nature. I then
go into my different areas and I test if it’s emotional, physical, psychological, or
maybe something on a psychic level. I tap into the different levels and I see where
we need to go. Then I start diving into the process – I prepare ahead of time and
then, during the session, I bring in all the tools that I gathered for over 20 years. At
the end of the session, you're going to have your own Zoom replay and your own
personalized audio you can listen to over and over again until you’re strong and feel
like that particular issue has dissipated.
Can you share some success stories?
I have a specific one that I’d like to mention. Everyone loves their animals and we're
very connected to them. Some people love animals, maybe more than people at this
point. So, I was working with a lady who was also into energy work, just like many
of my other clients. She told me that she was from France and had a dog called
Ollie. While we had a conversation, the dog was listening to it. Then I determined
the most critical pathogen relating to her issue, and it turned out that it wasn't
hers, but that it was her dog’s! However, because we're still connected, we think it's
ours. Still, it can be your dog’s, your sister’s, brother’s, etc. However, we're so
connected and we don't realize it.
When she realized that it had nothing to do with her and that it was actually her
dog’s, the dog got the healing and seems to be doing very well now. The moral of
the story is that many times it's not ours, but we're taking in as empaths. We’re
taking from animals that we love and people we love. Vice versa, a lot of time when
we clear for ourselves, we can help the animal or our loved one.
Is there anything else that you would like to add?
I’m offering to your audience a special offer. If you are not familiar with Muscle
Testing, it is an eBook on the subject, but the offer also includes a light language
audio for stem cells. You can build up your stem cells, which we need because they
can break down over the years. It’s a free sample of what we're talking about today.
You can get a pathogenic light language audio and an eBook on muscle testing. For
anyone interested, they can find it at brendalainof.com/free-audio