Hormone Reset Diet Update

Off of meat now (feel lighter) Off of sugar (has been challenging) Off of fruit (I miss my local cherries!) and now Off of coffee – one big Yikes!!!

I have not weighed or measured myself, will give this another week. As usual, interesting comments from two of the ladies in the group

My Journey with the Hormone Reset Diet

I am hosting and also participating in “The Hormone Reset Diet” by Sara Gottfried, M.D.    So I have gathered a group of ladies where we meet every 3 days and accountability is the key to keep one another on track! And I am taking this journey to help myself feel...

Earth Angels and My Dog Jet

Driving into our yard, after a wonderful healing session from a fellow practitioner, I was alarmed to see my husband, Barry, standing beside his vehicle, hands on face with a wretching look of despair.  I knew something terrible had occurred.  In trepretation, I...

Episode 59 – Tom Paladino

Scalar Energy, Integrated Health Conference, traumatic events, pathogens on Brenda’s Mindful Healing Show EPISODE 59 with Tom Paladino

Hayhouse Conference Wayne Dyer

What a treat to have a picture with one of my favorites,  Wayne Dyer at the Hayhouse Conference in Vancouver a few years ago.  I was elated to meet in Wayne in person.   Thrilled beyond and back! Wayne in his presentation talked about higher levels of awareness....
Integrated Health International Conference – San Diego

Integrated Health International Conference – San Diego

Integrated Health International conference in San Diego. It was a powerful experience, learning from other health and wellness practitioners, being inspired by cancer survival stories, and mingling with some of the best-known names in the industry, such as Bill Henderson and Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, aka Dr. V.

Episode 57 – Beth Foley

Reflexology, reiki master, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and The Balance Procedure on Brenda’s Mindful Healing Show EPISODE 57 with Beth Foley.